Swimming in Ghana

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Our Bookfeeder Michele Galasso took the kids from our Ghana, Offinso library for a swimming lesson! They surely enjoyed themselves, don't you think?

Our Bookfeeders-volunteers are coming to our libraries to learn as well as teach. They come to motivate children, to bring them new insights and ideas about the world and open their horizons. For many this was the first swimming lesson ever and surely for most it was the first time swimming in the swimming pool and not in the sea. Michele also helped the community to build new toilets and improve the health and sanitation. On top of that the school has recently finished new classroom for the students.

All this new development is contributing greatly to the community and the children education, health and future prospects. With the computers in our library, children can communicate with our Bookfeeders even after they leave and this too keeps them motivated, helps them to learn new languages and improve their computer skills.

Needless to say that all this is coming from the sole initiative of Zaccharius and the community. Although we fully support them in what they do and offer them suggestions and expertise shall they wish to, they alone were able to gather donors and help for the school classroom and they themselves paid and collected funds for the toilets. Sometimes a community only needs a small push in form of a small library and then, like a snowball, the community continues to attract support from various sources!

The way to go Ghana!

GhanaAlena Machalkova