Letter Writing - Pen-Pals

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Have you ever had a pen-pal? Do you remember how exciting it always was to get a new handwritten letter from them? Are you still in touch with them? And when have you received your last handwritten letter? When was the last time you wrote one? We are happy to introduce this old-style but still cool meeting technique to our projects!

Do you remember when we wrote about those 90kg of books being send to Madagascar from the Czech Republic, all collected by a class of hard-working students? Well it showed up that apart of collecting books they also wrote many amazing, colourful and beautiful letters to our kids at the libraries in Kenya and Madagascar. Letters were well received and now, when the holidays are over our volunteer made sure that they are all delivered and responded. Kids were so overjoyed when they say letters for them from other part of the world! They not only learnt about the Czech Republic but also some Czech words and the hobbies of their new friends. The most important of all is that all the students got to practice their English language! Today it was time to collect those letters and put them in a big envelope and mail them from Kenya back to the Czech Republic. Each letter is now addressed to a specific student so fingers crossed for all those new friends! Who knows maybe when they grow up they will visit each other! Do you know about a school who would also be interested in this letter-exchange? We still have libraries in Ghana and India if you are interested in English language or Madagascar if you want to practice your French. If you are interested drop us a line!

Alena Dlokolo