We Can’t Do It Alone


We can't do it alone and we are grateful for all those lovely people who offer their help! Here you can see companies and businesses and all the sponsors who deserve to have their place on our "Thank You" wall.


European Partners


The objective of the association is the support of charitable purposes as well as the purposes of the officially recognized federations of the free support of the common good.

Books Abroad

Books Abroad is a registered charity, which aspires to support education in developing countries worldwide by redistributing carefully chosen, second hand books.


WAPOL company sponsored construction of our library in Malawi, which was constructed in 2023. They are specialists in the service of biogas plants and cogeneration units in the Czech Republic.

Partners From The Local Communities

Schools that partnered with us

The Základní Škola Matiční in Ostrava in Czech Republic supported us in 2022 / 2023 by organizing a fundraising event.

Read more (in Czech): Link

Video from the fundraising event (in Czech): Link