Sara's Experience From Our Project In India

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There are things that you remember with your mind and things that you'll always remember with your heart. The Bookfeeding Project is one of those. It’s a heart to heart connection, linking people completely different from each other, who sends and who receives... but all with the big shared goal to reach: education!

The first parcel we received in the school was opened with curiosity, surprise and joy by all the children. Everybody wanted to have a picture while reading their new books! Not only children, I must say, even the orphanage staff was really interested, even without knowing a word of English. Bookfeeding Project is exactly this: a way to raise curiosity towards books and give new possibilities to reach a higher level of knowledge or, at least, to give some instruments to do so! Our project is not just about sending books in some remote places in the world, of course this is the starting point...but once there our volunteers must support our children in the reading by teaching them "what to do" with the books, how to enjoy them, how to take care of them.

I remember that children in India tried to learn by heart and repeat me the exact words of what they had just read, without understanding a word, because this was what the educational system in India expects. It was not easy to explain that you can read just because of the simple pleasure of doing that! It was a beautiful adventure, and it was just the beginning.

IndiaAlena Dlokolo