Senegal Podor Bookfeeding
This is a new library project which is located in Podor, 400km from Dakar in the north of Senegal. The building of the library is located on the school property right next to the elementary school Ecole Racine Cheikh Sow. The construction of the library was finished in 2022 by the community in Podor.
Maa Feew
This project is part of a bigger project Maa Feew which means “Everything will be fine.” in Foulani. Maa Feew is an educational project initiated by Mariame Sow in 2019. It has three parts:
1) Education
In order to improve the access to books, Forward for Women is supporting the establishment of a Bookfeeding library in Podor.
The renovation of the room where the library is set up has started in April 2020. Volunteers are welcome to help with the renovation and help to collect and transport French books to Podor. The majority of the community living in Podor are Muslim and speak French, Pular and Woloff. Volunteers are welcome to stay with local families in Podor where food and accommodation will be provided for 50€ per week. It is also planned to renovate a house next to the school for volunteers to stay.
2) Women’s Health
A partnership with the University in Gießen (Germany) was set up to train Badianu-Gokhs to offer advice and treatment opportunities to women affected by female genital mutiliation (FGM). Badianu-Gokhs are health pilots in Senegal who were trained to accompany women from pregnancy to birth. Volunteers are also welcome to join this project.
3) Hygiene
In order to enable everyone in Podor to go to the toilet during school hours, especially girls and women, new toilets are urgently needed.
Many girls stay at home during their menstruation and therefore miss up to 10 days of lessons per month. As a result, their equal opportunities for education are not guaranteed. The absence of toilets therefore leads to gender-based discrimination.
The reconstruction of the toilets will start soon, hygiene training will be provided and committees are formed within the school to ensure that the toilets are clean. Again, volunteers are welcome to join and get involved in this project.
People At The Project
Dr. Mariame Sow
Dr. Mariame Sow is originally from Podor and her grandfather is the founder of the elementary school Racine Cheikh Sow. After graduating in Saint Louis in Senegal she began her studies in Sociology and Education/Pedagogy at the University in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, where she currently lives with her family. She is the co-founder of Forward for Women, a charity which fights FGM. She is the first contact person if you would like to visit Podor to organise and plan your journey.
Current needs: French children books, local language books, water bottles for children to drink at school
Established: 2022
Languages: French, Pular and Woloff
Accepting volunteers: Yes
Local Partner:
Forward for WomenFunding: Forward for Women
Ecole Elementaire Racine Cheikh Sow